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HomeNewsEntire Zanu PF leadership is corrupt and must resign: PDP

Entire Zanu PF leadership is corrupt and must resign: PDP


The on-going media exposure of corruption at the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority as well as in government departments particularly Zimdef confirm how highly corrupt the entire Zanu PF leadership is, People’s Democratic Party has said.

In a statement released on Wednesday, PDP Youth President, Moses Manyengavana said the corrupt activities of senior Zanu PF officials in state owned enterprises and the local authorities has led to Zimbabwe’s economic collapse.

“It is shocking that the level of looting in government parastatals and the local authorities has led to workers going for months without receiving their salaries while some public institutions like the Harare Central, Parirenyatwa and Mpilo hospitals have to stopped carrying out life-saving surgical procedures as they have no pain killers and reliable water supplies

“Every year, Auditor-General Mildred Chiri has been exposing how senior government officials have been involved in high level criminal abuse of state resources but unfortunately no arrests have been made following the exposures and the looting by these Zanu PF officials continues,” said Manyengavana.

He added that every Zanu PF minister is corrupt and is involved in primitive accumulation of wealth naming Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Minister of Home Affairs Ignatius Chombo, Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa and Higher education minister Jonathan Moyo among the most corrupt Zanu PF officials whom he said continue to milk the country of its resources without any action being taken against them.

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“The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) is also investigating how the $1, 6 million that was released by the Treasury for the Media Panel Inquiry (Impi) was used amid concerns that equipment and vehicles acquired for the programme cannot be accounted for,” added Manyengavana.

PDP further noted that Zanu PF is pre-occupied with unproductive factional fights at the expense of fighting corruption.

According to the party President, Tendai Biti, only a National Transitional Authority (NTA) can solve the country’s economic, social and political crises.

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