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HomeNewsCCC To take Position On Delimitation Report After Analysing It

CCC To take Position On Delimitation Report After Analysing It

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Harare East legislator and constitutional lawyer Tendai Biti say the party will analyse the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission delimitation report that was tabled in Parliament today.

Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi presented the ZEC preliminary report on the delimitation of the electoral boundaries that was presented to President Emmerson Mnangagwa by the electoral body.

After the presentation Zanu PF Chief Whip Pupurai Togarepi moved a motion for the establishment of an ad –hoc committee to analyse and determine if it complies with the Constitution.

Speaking to journalists after the report was presented in Parliament, Biti said the opposition movement will take a look at the report and come up with a position.

“The report will be measured on 3 issues, procedurally was it made in terms of the law, substantively do recommendations comply with Section 161(5) and (6) of the Constitution and any other law. Does the data back the same? All those others will come after our analysis of the report,” said Biti.

Asked on measures they will take if they are not satisfied by the report Biti said for now they want to know if it was done procedurally.

“We need not to get there, if we are to get there we will seem like we want to reject the report. What we need to know is if the process was done in line with the Constitution. If it was done outside the law we take a position and if it has loopholes we then make recommendations so that it’s rectified,” he said.

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MDC legislator for Makoni Central, David Tekeshe who was incorporated into the ad-hoc committee said the party is satisfied thus far and only raised concern on the composition.

“We are satisfied, our only concern is the issue of gender that was raised by honourable Mpariwa as we only have two women. I promise to be very honest because we are taking what the people want and if my Constitution has been affected I should not work on it but work for the national interest,” said Tekeshe.

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