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HomeEnvironmentGovt Urged To Tighten Plastic Legislation

Govt Urged To Tighten Plastic Legislation

As the world commemorates World Environment Day, ActionAid Zimbabwe has urged the government to tighten the legislation to reduce plastic use and complete a ban on single-use plastic bags.

In a statement, ActionAid Zimbabwe (AAZ) acknowledged the government’s efforts to ban polystyrene food containers and discourage the use of single-use plastic bags.

However, the organization says that these policies alone will not be enough to solve the problem of plastic pollution.

“These policies alone, without commensurate awareness programs, will not yield the intended results. AAZ, therefore, urges the government to enact tighter legislation and awareness programs aimed at eliminating plastic and boosting the use of biodegradable alternatives. Zimbabwe could learn from other African countries like Kenya and Rwanda that have successfully reduced the use and dependency on plastic by 80-90% through the enactment of laws that prohibit single-use plastic bags,” reads the statement.

AAZ is calling on the government to enact tighter legislation and awareness programs aimed at eliminating plastic and boosting the use of biodegradable alternatives. The organization says that Zimbabwe could learn from other African countries like Kenya and Rwanda, which have successfully reduced the use of plastic by 80-90% through the enactment of laws that prohibit single-use plastic bags.

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“It is crucial to bear in mind that plastic pollution is not only harmful to the environment but is also disastrous to human health with women being more severely affected than men. Because of their biological makeup, women are more susceptible to diseases such as cancer and hypothyroidism, which are all linked to chemicals present in plastics,” further reads the statement.

AAZ added that efforts to limit plastic use and promote biodegradable alternatives also contribute to combating pollution and reducing carbon emissions.

According to a report by WWF Australia, the more plastic we make, the more fossil fuels we need, and the more we exacerbate climate change.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has also warned about the dangers of plastic pollution.

In a 2021 report, UNEP noted that plastic pollution disproportionately affects marginalized communities and communities near plastic production and waste sites.

AAZ says that it is important to remember that plastic pollution is not only harmful to the environment, but is also a threat to human health. Women are particularly vulnerable to the effects of plastic pollution, as they are more likely to be exposed to chemicals in plastics due to their biological makeup.

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