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HomeNewsHarare Residents Seek Termination Of Pomona Deal

Harare Residents Seek Termination Of Pomona Deal

Harare residents through the Combined Harare Residents Association (CHRA) have petitioned the Mayor and Councillors of Harare seeking withdrawal of Council resolution on the Pomona Waste to Energy Project made during an ordinary council meeting late February this year.

The residents are also seeking termination of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into between the local authority and Netherlands registered Geogenix BV for the Waste to Energy Project.

“Now therefore we beseech the Harare City Council to exercise its constitutional mandate by; Rescinding the Council resolution on the Pomona Waste to Energy Project made on the 1909th Ordinary Council Meeting, of the 28th February 2022, in terms of Section 89(1) (a)(ii) of the Urban Councils Act 29:15 by giving a notice of motion to rescind the resolution.

“Terminating the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the City of Harare and Geogenix BV for the Pomona Waste to Energy Project. Setting up a Special Committee in terms of the Urban Councils Act 29:15 Section 100 and conduct an Investigation or an Inquiry to the Pomona Waste to Energy Agreement and present the Report before the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption for possible action,” CHRA said.

The residents expressed concern over the expenses that the local authority will incur considering fees in the agreement are pegged in United States dollars as opposed to council revenues that are receipted in local currency.

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“Considering that the “deal” or agreement is in USD, the City will bear exchange losses since it generates most of its revenue in ZWL /RTGS. Concerned that other private players that have been complementing the City’s efforts in refuse collection and waste management have suspended operations due to the unsustainable USD40 per tonne charged by Geogenix after the taking over of Pomona Dumpsite last month,” petitioned the residents

CHRA said it was troubled that the agreement has stripped the City of Harare ownership of Pomona Dumpsite, while in the same vein the agreement binds the Local Authority to pay a minimum of US$22 000 per day in the first year with or without depositing waste to an occupant (Geogenix B.V), and expects it be should vice-versa.

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