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HomeOpinionHas Zimbabwe Missed An Opportunity to Open A New Economic Chapter?

Has Zimbabwe Missed An Opportunity to Open A New Economic Chapter?

The current economic situation in Zimbabwe is believed to be in a tailspin as basic commodity prices are looming daily coupled with an apt cash crisis which have astounded many Zimbabweans.

By Lameck Makula 

This comes after incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa was graced to highest position on the 26th of August for the second time as an elected President following the departure of Mugabe. Mnangagwa ascendancy to power is heavily linked to a cool coup after a serious military intervention last year

Since the New dispensation gained power it has faced a mammoth task of reviving a crippled economy and uniting a nation deeply divided by a ruling that many believed would bring about change.

After the demise of Mugabe, Zimbabwe was presented with a viable and sustainable path of economic recovery through political and economic re-engagement with the outside world. For no avail the opposite became true as the government has failed to deal with the problems of economic sanctions which remains the largest stumbling block to propel Zimbabwe to greater heights. .

The creation of special economic zones for particular direct investments has jeopardized the possibility of investment opportunities from other wings of the world who are insecure because the countries ubiquity in seeking foreign investments with its Zimbabwe is open for business has vastly increased presenting opportunities of doubt.

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Could it be a new dispensation or desperation as the past nine months have presented serious economic recovery obstacles as it has been brought to limelight that the dispensation is ill equipped. The arrival of the longly awaited cabinet led by Mthuli Ncube as the finance minister has only so far talked the walk with vast promises of geo-mapping the country on the world market again.

The arrival of the cabinet have came with huge price hike, basic commodities including bread, cooking oil and fuel have increased while the nation is suffering from a severe cholera outbreak.

Civilians are now crying foul to the government’s failure to amicably deal with the health dilemma at hand while exposing huge expenditures as the past two weeks have seen state of the art aeroplanes being hired for the transportation of former first lady Grace Mugabe to and from Singapore by Mnangagwa. The nation is also experiencing touchure as vendors are being chased from streets and the reinvigoration of police in roadblock tallgate alike road traps

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