Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCourtsHigh Court Dismisses Sikhala’s Bail Application

High Court Dismisses Sikhala’s Bail Application

High Court judge Justice Sylvia Chirau Mugomba has dismissed without reasons, a bail application filed by Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) member and Zengeza West lawmaker Job Sikhala.

Sikhala is charged with obstructing or defeating the course of justice after he allegedly posted a video that was intended at misleading the police who were investigating the death of CCC activist Moreblessing Ali.

Speaking after the ruling, Sikhala’s lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa said Sikhala’s case is one of those whose decisions are predictable.

“She has not given her reasons to do that she says her reasons will come later so it’s very difficult for us to know why she has done but this is one of those cases were most of these decisions are predictable. It’s a waiting game now because this was an appeal,” Mtetwa said.

The legislator was charged at a time he is currently locked up at Chikurubi Maximum Prison together with fellow CCC legislator Godfrey Karakadzai Sithole on charges of inciting public violence and have been denied bail as well.

The duo is accused him of inciting the public to violently avenge the death of CCC activist, Ali who was found murdered with her body cut into pieces 18 days after she disappeared, a Zanu PF activist, Pius Jamba was arrested over her murder.

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During Ali’s memorial service, mourners ran amok and destroyed homes belonging to Zanu PF members in Nyatsime area.

Sikhala was then charged with inciting unrest after the violent scenes in Nyatsime.

He has been locked up since then after his initial freedom bid hit a snag when a Harare magistrate ruled that he was likely to reoffend.


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  • This is appealing journalism. The said Judge is now at the Commercial Court and never sat in bail court as indicated.

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