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HomePoliticsKasukuwere Laments Zanu PF Failure To Put Succession Plan

Kasukuwere Laments Zanu PF Failure To Put Succession Plan

Exiled former Zanu PF national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere says circumstances leading to the November 2017 military take over from President Robert Mugabe were a result of the failures by the ruling party to manage a smooth succession process.

Kasukuwere was once perceived to be the late President Robert Mugabe’s successor before the latter was ousted in November 2017 following a military intervention which installed current President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Speaking during a post November 2017 dialogue hosted virtually by Sapes Trust, the former Minister of Local Government said Mugabe was a smart politician who would effectively manage opposing factions wanting to succeed him by letting them outdo each other to his benefit.

“I really accept that Zanu did not manage the succession process. There is one thing that I said even I used to joke about with Kembo Mohadi that you have allowed the old man (Mugabe) to eat into your time. This was a time the old man would sit on top like a tripod, there were two factions that were contesting for power.

“The old man was a very astute politician, each time one of the factions was surging ahead that is 2004-05, ED (Mnangagwa) had a commanding voice within the party he could have easily become Vice President, but the old man nicely allowed the other team to start moving forward and next time again when Mai Mujuru is moving forward so basically he was able to play off the teams within the party when ever they are honest with each other to say guys let’s sit down let’s have a process, a transition process that will ensure that the future of our party, our country is done in a methodical way and hence we are where we are,” Kasukuwere said

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He said Mugabe wanted to step down but he stayed put following the humiliating defeat at the hands of the Morgan Tsvangirai led MDC in 2008.

“The change is now organised or obtained through the barrel of the gun which should not be the case. I think the party has had so much good will across the country. It had done well if only we had been able to say for how long where we going to have President Mugabe after the 2000 elections maybe there after.

“His intention which I remember, (he) had intended to step down in 2010 but certain factors did take place then, which meant that he remained in office then we had that humiliation with the MDC and he stayed on, to 2013 when he won.

“We thought after winning the election in 2013 he was going to now put together a processes within the party that would lead to a much more stable succession programme. By the time he sat down with me as his national commissar that he said I am now going to be stepping down he said this to me. We were in Mexico attending a conference and we talked for about seven hours the two of us. I think this was a bit late in terms of the dynamics within the party,” he said

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