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HomeEntertainmentKayse Connect Intensifies Promotion Of Female, Upcoming Artists

Kayse Connect Intensifies Promotion Of Female, Upcoming Artists

The upcoming Worship Experience Concert by Kayse Connect set for Harare International Conference Centre (HICC) on January 1 2020 bears testimony of intensified effort by the budding show promoter to support female and upcoming artists.

Following instances where some music promoters end up adding female artists to show lineups as consolation, pressured by uproars from gender-sensitive citizens of society, Kayse has moved to a step ahead to deal with the imbalance.

Speaking to this publication, Kayse Connect representative, Elton Kurima said they have moved to bring some level of balance between the number of female and male artists represented on each of their shows which explains four female artists against seven male artists.

“As Kayse, the approach that we are trying to take is to bring balance between males and females, if you look at this show’s lineup it speaks for itself. You will also realise that we have tried to bring a balance between seasoned and upcoming artists which explains why there are some new faces on the flyer.

“We have made it a point that for every show we host, there should be one or two upcoming artists we give the stage so that they grow and nature themselves,” Kurima said.

Kurima also added that the show looks to accommodate Christians, who, for some time, have been left out of festive season gatherings.

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“The norm is we start the year with secular shows but we then forget churchgoers who need to be catered for as well. So this is an effort to bring a balance and accommodate everyone. We want to provide a place for Christians to thank God for the gift of life,” he said.

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