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HomeNewsKazembe Kazembe Taunts Grace

Kazembe Kazembe Taunts Grace


Minister of Sports, Arts and Recreation Kazembe Kazembe has taunted disgraced former First Lady Grace Mugabe saying Grace’s public attack on him made him ‘famous’ in a negative way.

Kazembe who was addressing villagers at the Nyanga is Supa Sports Tournament in Nyanga over the weekend said the attacks on him by former First lady, Grace Mugabe made him a laughing stock wherever he goes but insisted that this has strengthened him in his political career.

“Ini ndavakuzikanwa zvakanyanya kubva paya pandakadaidzwa ne mbuya iya ku Bindura. Mbuya iya yakanditi Kazembe Kazembe huya pano, yakandinyadzisa chaizvo.

“Kwese kwandavakuenda ndinongonzi ndiye uya wekunyadziswa na First Lady.

“But Mwari Wandinonamata mupenyu, nhasi ndiri pano, ndava Minister asi mbuya iya haisisipo,” said Kazembe.
(I’m now more famous after the attacks by that old woman (Grace Mugabe) in Bindura.

“That old woman embarrassed me big time. Wherever I go I am referred to as the man who was undressed by Grace Mugabe.

“But my God is faithful, today I am here as a Minister but she is nowhere to be seen),”

He said all the spanners thrown at him were a step in the right direction as he has shrugged off the tough moment in his life and is looking forward to working for the nation.

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The tiff between Kazembe and Grace Mugabe emanated from the factional fights that had engulfed the ruling party before the forced resignation of former President Robert Mugabe which ushered in Emmerson Mnangagwa as the new president.

During the Bindura leg of the Zanu PF Youth League Presidential Youth Interfaces , Grace Mugabe undressed Kazembe in public accusing him of harboring Provincial Chairmanship ambitions for Mashonaland Central Province.

Kazembe has had the last laugh since he has assumed the Mash Central Province Chairmanship.

 The sharp tongued Grace had become synonymous with undressing high ranking Zanu PF party officials, aligned to the Mnangagwa led faction , Lacoste, in public during every rally.

The public fights between the Lacoste faction and the G40 cabal, which was allegedly led by Mugabe and his wife, together with other proponents like exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo and Savior Kasukuwere, who has since fled the country after the fall of the G40 cabal degenerated into chaos as senior officials in Zanu PF exchanged jibes in public.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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