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HomeElections 2023‘Kenyan Elections A Good Example For Zimbabwe’

‘Kenyan Elections A Good Example For Zimbabwe’

Herbet Chamuka

Opposition leader, Herbert Chamuka says the recently concluded Kenyan elections are a good example to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) on how toi run a smooth and transparent plebiscite.

Zimbabwe will go for the much anticipated elections in 2023 and there have been parallels drawn between the country and Kenya.

The latter has been lauded for handling the elections in a professional way despite some minor irregularities.

Chamuka said there is so much to learn for Zimbabwe ahead of the 2023 elections.

“Zimbabweans must take a leaf from these elections and learn how to manage their own elections. Politics is not about violence, it should not be a one party system where if they lose they resort to violence. They should allow for leadership renewal and democracy to flow.

“The Kenyan elections have shown that it is possible for a country to hold free and open polls. There was no violence. The only fighting was for ideologies and will to make their country better,” Chamuka said.
Violent protests nevertheless erupted in losing presidential candidate, Raila Odinga’s strongholds in informal settlements in the capital, Nairobi, and the lakeside city of Kisumu on Monday evening, although the situation was calm on Tuesday.


Chamuka added that Zimbabweans must also be open to multiparty democracy.

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“It is not all about ZanuPF and CCC but new parties are there to bring in new ideologies. Most countries which are open to this idea have thriving economies, better than our. Allow us as People’s Unity Party to come into the picture and show you how to do things,” he said.

Meanwhile, Citizens coalition for Change leader, Nelson Chamisa Thursday said key lessons from there is so much to learn from the elections in Kenya and marveled at how the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission. handled the situation.

“Elections are public processes and to be transparent to all. A results public portal key -Elections are ideas,polices not violence and bloodshed, vigilance and polling agents everywhere a must. -The integrity and independence of the Electoral body is vital,” Chamisa said on Twitter.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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