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HomeNewsStop Violence, Zanu PF Told

Stop Violence, Zanu PF Told

Herbet Chamuka

Opposition leader, Herbert Chamuka has lashed out at some alleged Zanu-PF supporters whom he accused of terrorizing his supporters in  Mutasa district saying there should be no persecution of opponents in the political arena.

Chamuka alleged that his People’s Unity Party supporters are living in fear of being victimized by ruling party activists. He said the alleged victimization is a case of the ruling party fretting over the 2023 elections.

“We want to thank the people of PUP even though people from Zanu Pf came and tried to make a mess of things in Mutasa recently. We managed to sail through regardless.

“We have been receiving reports of Zanu PF people whot are being sent to cause violence, throwing stones, kidnapping and beating the leaders. These acts only signify that there is fear within the ruling party because how can they be threatening us if they knew everything was ok?” Chamuka said.

He noted that despite the incessant threats, his party will not fold but surge ahead with its preparations ahead of the 2023 elections.

“We have a gathering in Bulawayo on the 25th of September so we are busy getting our police clearance. from there we have a gathering at Nhedziwa. We encourage all the elderly people to come through, we will be giving them phones and food, especially mealie meal. from there we go to Chinhoyi and Kariba. so PUP is a party of the people and we will continue to work in communities,” he retorted.

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“We are not stopping our gatherings, in December we will launch our party as per the laws. right now we are mobilizing people to accept us and know about our party and where it comes from,” Chamuka said.

He challenged Zamu-PF supporters to be dignified and respect human and political rights.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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