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HomeNewsKuda Mahachi Opens Up On ‘Seven Months Of Hell’

Kuda Mahachi Opens Up On ‘Seven Months Of Hell’

Zimbabwe warriors and SuperSport United footballer Kudakwashe Mahachi has broken silence on the issue surrounding his alleged child abuse and attempted murder charges against his own son Diego.

Mahachi who was last week acquitted of both charges by the Bulawayo regional magistrate Mark Dzira poured his heart out on how his world crumbled after losing his job and goodwill from Zimbabweans who used to rave about him during his stint with the Warriors.

In an emotional statement, Mahachi said the past seven months saw his life turning upside down as he lost everything that he had worked for.

“During these 7 months I saw my whole world turn upside down. I was dismissed from my club with immediate effect and no income, I was vilified by a nation that I once was the football darling of and my fate was sealed through social media without a trial. During those 7 months I lost everything I lived for. 7 months of being shunned even by those I played alongside. 7 months of death threats, 7 months of depression, the list can go on,” said Mahachi

He said his son was a victim of negligence at the hands of family members after he was diagnosed with Ulcer Sepsis Necrotic.

“The ulcers were on his scalp and his leg. When Diego returned to Zimbabwe on April 14, he was in the care of my two sisters who live in my home in Cowdry Park. After a few days there, his condition began to deteriorate. My sisters decided to self-medicate my sac by having a local doctor administer injections to him at hoes without taking him to the hospital.

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“It was only when his septic ulcer’s exploded that he was rushed to hospital. Once examined, medical experts ruled the condition was spreading so fast, his leg would have to be amputated. My sisters were questioned on why they took so long to seek medical help and I don’t know if it was out of the fear of being charged with negligence, but they proceeded to state that Diego had returned iron South Africa in that state. I am not just a broken man, I am a pained man by what has happened to my son and how I was accused of attempting to kill him despite reports from medical experts,” he said

Mahachi said no one cared to give him a chance, no one cared to give him the benefit of doubt.

“I have played football for 15 years for ray country and for top flight clubs. Yet despite this, I was accused of using my 4-year-old son for rituals. Now is it that I have played this game for 11 years before my son was born and suddenly now needed him for rituals for my career? Even fellow football players that I struggled together with as young boys trying to make it in our early careers accused me of using rituals to harm their careers, but what would I have benefited from that?

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“I have lost everything I have worked for. It was my dream to play football for my country, to serve my country and represent it. As a man I can no longer feed my family, as all my savings have been depleted in my quest for justice. Yes, I have been exonerated but the nightmare I have gone through can never be erased. I have had my mother’s grave destroyed, my house has been broken into and robbed of everything. I have had cloths marked with my name and my wife’s name left in my yard. My career was ended when I had not reached my pinnacle. How does one recover from that?” said the former Highlanders player

Mahachi claims that he has been a victim of his ex-wife Maritha (Diego’s mother) and her mother as they swore to destroy him.

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