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HomeBusinessLocal Productivity Key To End Zim Crisis: Buy Zimbabwe

Local Productivity Key To End Zim Crisis: Buy Zimbabwe

Buy Zimbabwe has called on the government, industry and other stakeholders to work together to extract the country out of the current economic situation that has seen the cost of living skyrocketting beyond the reach of many.

Addressing stakeholders during the Buy Zimbabwe Awards ceremony held in the capital on Wednesday, the group Chairperson Dr Anxious Masuka called for an acceleration of exports through increasing local productive capacity in agriculture and mining industries.

“By increasing local productive capacity initially in the primary industries of agriculture and mining, via strong and sustainable linkages, and strong value chains, we can begin to reduce imports while simultaneously increasing and accelerating exports.

“The sectors of tourism, services and infrastructure can then, respond in tandem with measures to increase local capacity, from field to industry. Government too should respond, but streamlining  and increasing efficiency and reducing expenditure, relative to revenue generated.

“The critical stakeholders and architects for the upliftment of Zimbabwe out of this current economic quagmire are government, industry, employees and consumers. This is the quadripartite alliance that Buy Zimbabwe interacts with daily,” he said.

“Government policies should direct individual and corporate behavior towards local production and consequently local consumption of goods and services, even through fiscal and monetary incentives, and the creation of a conducive and competitive environment for these changed behaviors to flourish,” added Masuka.

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He appealed to citizens to support local production and protect industries from outside competition.

“Consumers should see the purchase of local products and services as a national pride, as protecting an aunt, a son and a relative’s job. They should see this an opportunity for creating their own SMEs and as an opportunity for new employment,” added Masuka.

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