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HomePoliticsMDC Youth Wing Rip Into Mnangagwa, Chiwenga

MDC Youth Wing Rip Into Mnangagwa, Chiwenga


The Movement For Democratic Change Alliance (MDC-Alliance) has accused President Emerson Mnangagwa and his Deputy Rtd General Constantino Chiwenga of looting the $15 billion while alleging that they have committed murderous crimes which have gone unreported.

Speaking during the MDC Alliance rally held over the weekend in Mutare ,MDC-T youth leader Happymore Chidziva said most  government officials,including  Mnangagwa and Chiwenga are corrupt while accusing them of committing murder crimes which have gone unreported.

“The same people who looted diamonds here in Mutare are the same people who are in government and we have it in good authority that they benefited from the $15 billion which went missing,” said Chidziva in reference to former President Robert Mugabe’s utterances that government lost gems worth $15 billion over a period of 10 years.

He accused Mnangagwa of running an illegitimate government after he wrestled power from long serving president Robert Mugabe in November last year.

Chidziva said the “military coup” of November 15 will lead to rampant corruption within government.

“We want Mnangagwa and Chiwenga to know that as Zimbabweans ,we do not want a junta government and we do not want leaders who are murderers.

“Everyone knows that once a government is taken over by the military, there will be a lot of corruption within that government.

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“There is going to be a lot of victimization and murder and l can assure you that Mutare is one of the examples where people are afraid of victimization,” he said.

Chidziva went on to urge MDC youths to register to vote in the forthcoming general elections slated for midyear

He said the only solution to removing the ZanuPF lies in voting overwhelmingly for the opposition.

“They should know that a number of youth are registering and have already registered so as to defend and define their future.

“l urge every youth to take advantage with these coming elections since that’s the only weapon to defend their future that’s our last bullet to defeat this military government and surely we must remove the ZANU PF government .

“I want to assure you that the vision of Morgan Tsvangirai is not going to die even though ZANU PF may expose him on social media and in newspapers ,he is our hope and our future,”he said.

He warned the ZanuPF regime to desist from intimidating the opposition front .

“We know that in different places people are being forced to submit their serial numbers after BVR ,you must tell me as l am the MDC alliance commander and l am declaring citizen arrest to anyone responsible for that .

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“They are wasting their time because voting is going to be manual and it doesn’t have anything to do with the serial number ,”he said.

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