Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeCourtsMentally Disturbed Man Causes A Stir At Harare Magistrates Court

Mentally Disturbed Man Causes A Stir At Harare Magistrates Court

A mentally disturbed man stunned the court today when he launched a vitriolic attack on Harare Magistrate, Rumbidzai Mugwagwa for referring his case for trial at the High Court.

Enock Potani who is pleading to charges of murder after he allegedly struck the now deceased Plaxedes Kamundiya with a stone in Mutoko on 22 October 2017 attacked Magistrate Mugwagwa for ‘judging a mentally disturbed person.’

“Tongai! Tongai henyu because that is what you want. How can you judge a mad man, everyone knows that I am a mad man, even my mother knows this.

“The doctors also confirmed it, do that you will suffer and die in your bed one day you woman” he shouted while pointing his finger at magistrate Mugwagwa.

“Who can try a mad man, for what reason, where do you want us to go? Do you want us to go back to our homes and stay there? You will be left with no one to judge if you keep on doing that,” further shouted Potani while being restrained by four prison guard officers.

While being pushed back into the prisoners’ waiting room, he shouted, “muri imbwa dzevanhu” (you are all dogs)


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Journalist based in Harare

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