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HomeBusinessMiner Dies In Mimosa Mine Accident

Miner Dies In Mimosa Mine Accident


A 41 year old miner (Stephen Chizola) at Mimosa Mine in Zvishavane died after sustaining serious injuries from a rock fall yesterday, 263Chat Business has learnt.

The fatal incident is the second at the mine in just 10 months following a similar incidence that claimed one life in June last year.

Chizola who was a Face Preparation Supervisor was barring down in 36 Level North when tragedy struck.

In a statement forwarded to this publication, the company said investigations were underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the accident.

“It is with deep regret that Mimosa Mining Company advises of a fatal accident at its mining location in Zvishavane. On Tuesday the 24th of March 2020, Stephen Chizola (41) was barring down in 36 Level North when a rock fell and seriously injured him in the process,” the company said in a statement.

First aid was promptly administered and Chizola was evacuated from underground before passing away upon admission at the mine clinic.

“The Mimosa Board, management and staff would like to express their deepest and sincere condolences to Stephen’s family, his relatives and friends. A full investigation is now underway to determine the exact circumstances surrounding the accident. Mimosa continues to urge all employees to exercise maximum diligence and reiterates its commitment to attaining ZERO HARM in all its activities,” further read the statement.

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Efforts to get in touch with the Zimbabwe Republic Police for a comment were futile.

Last year, the platinum miner confirmed a similar incident when its then face preparation supervisor, Tichaona Nedziwe (39) had succumbed to injuries sustained when a rock fell on him while barring down in a supported area at 22 Level South.

The development has raised concern over the mine workers safety with another deaths having recorded in 2016.

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