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HomeNewsMnangagwa Fires Agriculture Deputy Minister

Mnangagwa Fires Agriculture Deputy Minister

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has sacked Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Douglas Karoro “conduct inappropriate” for a Minister.

Karoro was last week arrested lon allegations of grabbing 700 bags of fertiliser, US$18 000 worth of maize seed and 5 000 vegetable seed kits from Presidential inputs schemes between March and April, and selling them.

The inputs came from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) Mushumbi Pools Depot in Mbire, Mashonaland Central Province, and were intended for farmers.

Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr. Misheck Sibanda confirmed the dismissal.

“His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Cde E D Mnangagwa, in terms of section 340, subsection (1), paragraph (f), as read with section 104, subsection (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, has with immediate effect, removed Honourable Douglas Karoro (MP) from Office of Deputy Minister of Government, for conduct inappropriate for a Deputy Minister,” said Dr. Sibanda

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has confirmed the arrest of a NetOne cashier Daniel Kalira on allegations of theft involving more than Zwl$ 100 million.

“The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has arrested Daniel Kalira (39), a cashier at NetOne, after he allegedly stole approximately ZWL$150 000 000,00 from the mobile network services provider in an airtime voucher scam orchestrated over two years. Kalira used the money to buy several vehicles including a Toyota GD6 twin cab, three Mercedes Benz sedans and two BMW sedans.

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“It is alleged that from January 2020 to 23 May 2022, Kalira stole airtime from NetOne by falsifying his sales of airtime on the stock issue vouchers which he dispatched to NetOne sales agents. Investigations conducted by ZACC show that on the 25th of August 2021, the accused allegedly falsified issue voucher number 77064 where he indicated that he dispatched 17400 airtime cards of $100z.

“Instead, Kalira had allegedly dispatched 80300 cards valued at $100 each depriving NetOne of $7 990 000, 00. On the 26th of January 2022 Kalira allegedly falsified stock issue voucher number 77067 by indicating that he dispatched a total of 5917 cards of $100 each when he had dispatched 28416 cards depriving NetOne of ZWL$2 250 000,00. An audit to ascertain the actual amount stolen from NetOne is still ongoing. Kalira appeared in court and was remanded to 27 June 2022 on ZWL$20 000 bail,” read a ZACC statement

According to the Commission all the vehicles were recovered.

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