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HomeElections 2023“Mnangagwa Is Our Biblical Joshua”

“Mnangagwa Is Our Biblical Joshua”

Respected Family of God Church founder Andrew Wutawunashe has compared President Emmerson Mnangagwa to the Biblical Joshua saying the president will see Zimbabwe out of the murky waters that it finds itself in.

Wutawunashe told delegates at the just-ended War Veterans conference in Harare that those who support Mnangagwa must stick with him in trying times as he will deliver, just like Joshua who helped the Israelites to cross river Jordan and took them to the promised land.

“To continue to stand with our President, and to say to us all clearly, sometimes I wonder if he thinks he is a prophet. Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga keeps telling us this is God’s anointed leader and this is the spirit of Caleb,” Wutawunashe said.

“This is a spirit which has raised the war veterans league. You must fight to uphold the spirit of Caleb as a carport to Joshua our president and we have seen (former VP Kembo) Mohadi through thick and thin he has not left, he has stayed with the President. It is our unity and standing together with our President that is going to push us forward.”

“Your Excellency, do not get tired, there still remains much land to be taken. It’s a miracle, I was driving in the morning and I told the people I was with that it took 20 years for the country to just start changing rapidly, that is the spirit of Joshua,” Wutawunashe said.

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“It (Zanu PF) was given the responsibility by God so that the people of Zimbabwe prosper. This is the party that was given the DNA for the prosperity of the country … let us rally behind ED,” he noted.

The Mnangagwa administration has been struggling to make any economic gains since taking power in 2017 and winning the 2018 elections.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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