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HomeElections 2023Mnangagwa’s Spokesperson Accuses SADC Election Observer Chief of Protocol Violation

Mnangagwa’s Spokesperson Accuses SADC Election Observer Chief of Protocol Violation


President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesperson, George Charamba, has levelled strong criticism at Nevers Mumba, the head of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Election Observer Mission.

Charamba accuses Mumba of overstepping established SADC protocols in the formulation of the regional report on Zimbabwe’s recent elections.

Multiple election observer missions, including SADC, voiced their apprehensions concerning alleged voter intimidation and electoral irregularities during the polls held on August 23.

These observers contended that the elections fell short of adhering to both the country’s constitution and SADC principles.

Charamba has contended that elections are a multifaceted process that extends beyond a single-day event. He has suggested that crucial decisions pertaining to the SADC Observer Mission’s report should not rest solely with one individual overseeing a subsidiary body.

In contrast, Nelson Chamisa, the leader of Zimbabwe’s primary opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), has reaffirmed his party’s unwavering stance in rejecting the election results.

Chamisa has emphasized that CCC members are resolute in their belief that the elections were neither free nor fair.

In an interview with SABC News, Chamisa expressed scepticism regarding the pursuit of legal action within Zimbabwe’s courts. He stated, “There is no need for us to go to court. SADC serves as a court itself. The court of public opinion has already conclusively deemed this election a sham. There is no point in duplicating our efforts. We traversed this path in 2018; we engaged the court, and we are well aware of the court’s disposition and attitude. We have no intention of wasting our time.”

ALSO ON 263Chat:  Zimbabwe Election: Can Nelson Chamisa Win? He Appeals To Young Voters But The Odds Are Stacked Against Him

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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