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Mudiwa Hood Sparks Debate Over Charity Stunt

Mudiwa Hood Sparks Debate Over Publicity of his Act of Kindness

Popular rapper Mudiwa Hood has triggered a debate among social media users after he recorded himself bailing out fellow musician Paradzai Mesi who seems to have fallen on hard times.

Mesi made waves last week when a video of him handcuffed after getting busted while allegedly stealing groceries went viral. In a bid to assist a struggling colleague, Mudiwa pledged to buy Mesi some groceries and get him back on his feet.

Mudiwa lived up to his promise and recorded every step of his assistance for all to see on social media. However, publicizing his act of kindness did not sit well with a section on social media which alluded that Mudiwa’s action embarrassed Mesi further.

“This isn’t help, this is humiliation, you can see it in that old man’s eyes, no man would ever want to see himself paraded in front of all, being at the mercy of another man. It’s cringe, if this had any genuineness in it, the pics weren’t necessary. Poverty is bad!!!” socialite Shadaya Knight tweeted.

But a different camp believes Mudiwa’s actions were commendable as they undid the embarrassment Mesi went through on similar platforms.

“There are many things that I disagree with Mudiwa Hood but this is not one of them. He helped a man who was humiliated on camera, what is wrong with retaining his dignity on camera on the same platforms which exposed the man in chains.Mudiwa is running a business, he helped a fellow artist, this help will also make others want to buy his products. Big companies do it, why not Mudiwa?

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“Helping this man is noble, but we can’t live from handouts, what happens to those who were not filmed? So let us look at the broader picture, the issue of Mudiwa assisting this man and posting the pictures is a narrow issue, the real issue is why we got here where a musician ends up stealing to survive,” celebrity journalist Hopewell Chin’ono said.

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