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HomeNewsMugabe raps opposition

Mugabe raps opposition

President Mugabe yesterday made sensational claims that the country’s opposition is clueless on how to turn around the economy.

President Mugabe who has been leading the country since independence, was addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters who convened at ‘Robert Mugabe Square’ for the one million man march, meant to testify the longevity of his values and ethos.

“Our opposition is peculiar,” said President Mugabe adding that he could not point out a single gesture from the opposition which is meant to revive the economy.

He added that , ‘They ( opposition)  does  not have ideas on how to uplift the country and ideas on how to empower the youths and the population at large. “

The nonagenarian leader blasted the opposition for the their appetite to remove Zanu PF from power.

“The opposition is full of the ‘lets remove Zanu PF syndrome’. Zanu PF is their enemy but they have never thought on how they will revive agriculture and  industries. They have not yet enlightened us on how they will transform the education sector,” said President Mugabe.

President Mugabe also said the opposition should know that the country belongs to Zimbabweans not foreigners.

Mugabe who is also the Zanu PF first secretary, confirmed his zeal to rule the country forever saying that was in no hurry to pass the presidency button to anyone as the people find him the most befitting candidate.

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“ The opposition  has been in the papers influencing people to ask me to go. Ko ndogoenda kupi?(Where should i go). I belong to my people, my people say stay here. I’m not Briton, I do not want to be an American, I’m not a Yankee. I told Blair that he must keep his England so I can keep my Zimbabwe. MDC itsitsi here dzekunzwira VaMugabe kuti vaneta or you are afraid of Mugabe . Go hang,” charged President Mugabe.

Speaking on the rampant politicisation of food President Mugabe said everyone must be served with food despite their political affiliation.

“Are we distributing food fairly? We must feed everyone in the country.

“Hatidi kuti ava vari kumusangano we opposition saka tovanyima kudya . Where do you want them to get the food? Munenge muchida kuti vawane kudya kunobva kupi?”, he said.

“Kudya kwedu tinorima munoumu asi kana tisina segore rino igore renzara tinotenga chikafu tichitengera munhu wese kuti adye,” he said. ( We produce our own food but in instances like this year where we do not have sufficient food, we export and we do so for every Zimbabwean.)

He however denounced the opposition parties for their actions after receiving food handouts from government.

“Nesuwo ve opposition kana tapiwa chikafu, we denounce Zanu PF. After we give you food you go on to beg for sanctions from western countries.

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Government ndiyo iri kukupa sadza ndiyo iri kuita kuti dumbu rako rikure asi wakuda kuti ma sanctions arambe aripo,” (Government is the one feeding your stomach but you run and beg for sanctions) said President Mugabe.

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Journalist based in Harare

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