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HomeNewsChipanga attacks ministers

Chipanga attacks ministers

Zanu-PF Deputy Youth Secretary, Kudzai Chipanga, yesterday  attacked government ministers who drive luxurious cars while failing to effectively execute their duties.

Addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters who had marched to Robert Mugabe Square in solidarity with President Mugabe, the youthful Chipanga lashed out at ministers who are in the habit of buying latest luxurious cars with money intended for developmental projects while abandoning the people they serve.

“Government ministers should prioritise their work and stop changing cars everyday of their lives.

“They do not serve the people who voted them in power but they spend money on new vehicles and engage in endless meetings which require a  huge budget.

To make matters worse, these meetings are only held at holiday resorts which are more expensive and we are losing money through this,” Chipanga said.

He called on the president to look into the issue , proposing that ministers should use the  Zanu headquarters’ community hall for such meetings rather than spending heft amounts by opting for  resort areas as meeting venues.



Chipanga added that ministers should take a cue from the president who hardly switch cars. He said it is insubordination to change  vehicles while President Mugabe has been using the same car for a long time.

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“Ministers should emulate President Mugabe, ever since I knew him on a personal level, he has never changed his car, so who are these ministers to change theirs every time they want to go out. That should stop.

“Why not use that money for developmental projects that benefit the youths and other people in need rather than displaying such selfish acts in broad daylight,” fumed Chipanga.

He also took time to challenge those in Parastatals to stop corruption. Chipanga had no kind words for Zimbabwe Revenue Authorities (ZIMRA) officials stationed at border posts whom he accused of being the most corrupt in the country as they are in the habit of stealing from the government.

“Corruption at ZIMRA must stop because it is depriving the youth’s opportunities to make it economically,

“ZIMRA officials at border posts are a nuisance to the nation.

“How can someone who has only worked at the institution for just a month be in a position to buy the latest SUV, where are they getting the money from? ZIMRA should put its house in order and stop acquiring wealth through unorthodox means.” fumed Chipanga adding that their (ZIMRA officers) lifestyle does not correspond with their earnings.

Meanwhile, the Zanu PF Youth League says it wants President Mugabe  to rule until he dies. The youths  have endorsed President Mugabe as the Zanu PF 2018 presidential candidate .

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“As the youths, we are rallying behind our president for  2018 elections.

“We have said before, there is only one center of power in the party hence no one deserves to contest against President Mugabe and we still maintain that stance,” said Chipanga.

Chipanga assured President Mugabe  that the youths will do everything in their power  to make sure he retains his presidential post.

“Fear not our president, hapana zvavanokuitai, tinoda kuti mufire pachigaro” ( they will not do anything to you, we want you to die in office) ,boasted Chipanga while gambling  with his last $20 note that anyone who thinks President Mugabe will not die in office, should place their bet against his.

The Zanu pf youth league organized a ‘one million man march’ in solidarity with President Mugabe and his leadership prowess.

The march, however, failed to attract the intended number with less than half of intended number turning up. There were no millions at the march.

However, Chipanga blamed the low turnout to shortage of transport.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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