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HomeInternationalNew Test Machines Boost Zim’s Health Delivery System

New Test Machines Boost Zim’s Health Delivery System


National AIDS Council last week received 12 new HUMASTAR 200 chemistry analyzers worth 240 000 euros from Diagnostic Laboratory Suppliers- in a major boost to the country’s health ministry.

Speaking at the handover ceremony in Harare, Health and Child Care Minister, Dr David Parirenyatwa hailed HUMSTAR 200 chemistry analyzers as one of the pillars in the health system.

“The HUMSTAR 200 chemistry analyzers are one of the pillars in the health delivery system in terms of testing,

“1.1 million of our population is on ARVs, they need to be monitored and this is where the chemistry analyzer comes in ,

“The ones we had were now old and slow and these new ones will replace the twelve that were there,

“These chemistry analyzers will be distributed to hospitals all over the country starting with Josiah Magamba Tongogara Hospital,” said Parirenyatwa.

He added that say human resources are of importance in health industry followed by drugs and medicines.

“For a health system to succeed there are various components that contribute and the first one is human resources, followed by drugs and medicines,

“Our health levy fund is now at $USD22 million and is going towards drugs and medicines to make sure patients buy their prescribed drugs from the hospitals and not outside,” added Parirenyatwa.

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Speaking at the same event, NAC Chief Executive Officer, Tapuwa Magure acknowledged the donation stating that the old machines were worn out and needed constant repairs.

“With regards to the machines we are receiving today and the old ones I want to assure you that as NAC we will continue to procure the relevant equipment as part of our mandate,

“We are glad today that our partners, Hunan and Diagnostic Services, seeing that our chemistry analyzers have become older needing regular repair in view of the work load involved at provincial level as well as district level they decided to donate the new equipment, the advanced HUMASTAR 200 chemistry analyzer.

“The new machines will enable a smooth transition from the old system while providing for handling of complex tests as well as increased workload. I am glad that in addition to the free installation of the equipment they are also training staff from all the 12 sides,” explained Magure.

The new testing equipment is able to run 650 tests in an hour and can detect any renal failure.

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I am a conscientious person who works hard and likes to think outside the box. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm for creative projects. I am a fast and accurate writer, with a keen eye for detail. Currently a reporter at 263Chat and a contributor to Divas Inc Online magazine.

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