Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsSelf-proclaimed Prophet In Jail for Kidnap

Self-proclaimed Prophet In Jail for Kidnap

A self-proclaimed prophet, Lawrence Dhukuza, aged 35, who runs the Christ Life Church in Chipinge, has been sentenced to a year in prison after being found guilty of kidnapping a 14-year-old girl.

The court heard that on March 11, the victim had gone with her family to Dhukuza’s shrine to visit her sick brother who was undergoing a cleansing process. Once there, Dhukuza claimed that the girl was possessed by evil spirits and insisted that he needed to pray for her. The family agreed and left the girl with him.

However, when the family returned home, Dhukuza refused to release the girl, claiming that she was undergoing a cleansing ceremony. When the girl’s mother found out what had happened, she went to the shrine to retrieve her daughter, but Dhukuza refused to hand her over.

It was later revealed that Dhukuza had taken the girl to his home and locked her up in a room. The girl’s mother then reported the matter to the police, which led to Dhukuza’s arrest.

During the trial, Dhukuza argued that he was merely helping the minor. Nevertheless, Magistrate Alfred Chinembiri found him guilty and sentenced him to a year in prison.

The prosecution was led by Delia Khataziye. The case serves as a warning to parents and guardians to be vigilant when seeking spiritual help for their children.

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Journalist based in Harare

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