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HomeNewsTeachers Castigate Govt Salary Increment

Teachers Castigate Govt Salary Increment

Teacher union organisations have castigated the salary increment announced by the Government yesterday saying the move was an indicator of unfair labor practices.

Government unilaterally announced a 100 percent salary increment for civil servants despite ongoing negotiations between the workers.

In a statement, the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) expressed concern over the pronouncements arguing that they were made before conclusion of deliberations.

“That the government team of negotiators in the NJNC (National Joint Negotiating Council) failed to turn up for a pencilled meeting on 20 March is unfortunate in a country 43 years after attaining independence. Needless to mention that it was the government team of negotiators that had postponed the meeting from 17th of March. As if that was not enough a government document dated 15 March, from Sec for Finance & Economic Development (G. Guvamatanga) to the chairman of the Public Service Commission (Dr V. Hungwe) seems to communicate the government’s official position on salary increments. What is worrisome is that authentic communication is made before the conclusion of negotiations, an indicator of unfair labour practice on the part of the government,” said PTUZ

The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) said the Government has no respect for it’s workers.

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“Our colleagues who believed in the NJNC, were hunting for government negotiators since 16 March. Government side dodged negotiations and went on to unilaterally fix conditions of service without going to collective bargaining. Government can argue that they consulted in line with Public Service Act &SI 141 of 1997.This is why we have rejected the NJNC as it is ultra vires to sections 203 (1) (b) and Section 65 (5) of the constitution under which conditions of service are fixed through collective bargaining. Big lesson to all our colleagues in labour is that the employer has no respect for workers’ side,they abuse you and dump you.Let’s pursue our 6 Dec 2022 court application and further apply pressure demanding dissolution of the NJNC nonsense.Meanwhile, teachers remain incapacitated,” said ARTUZ.

In a letter addressed to the Chairperson of the Public Service Commission (PSC) Dr. Vincent Hungwe, Ministry of Finance permanent secretary George Guvamatanga announced among other perks a 100% review of ZWL wages from the Deputy Director and below for all sectors in the public service.

“The approved review of 100% remuneration to gross ZWL emoluments from Deputy Director and below for all sectors, takes effect on February 1st, 2023 for the Security Sector and April 1st, 2023 for the Rest of the Civil Service.

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“Furthermore, the increase in Cushioning and Covid Allowances from US$200 to US$250 across all sectors, with the exception of the health sector, takes effect on March 1, 2023 for the Security Sector and April 1, 2023 for the Rest of the Civil Service, taking into account March 2023 developments in the security sector.

“In accordance with the approval of 100% remuneration review to gross ZWLS emoluments from Deputy Director and below, the salary key scale for the lowest paid worker for the security sector is therefore expected to be 100% of the gross ZWLS emoluments as per the attached schedule annexure 1 for selected grades as of 1 February 2023. In that regard, the Salary key scale and wage bill should reflect the approved review as illustrated in the attached example for the positions of the lowest paid to Deputy Director equivalent levels across all sectors including Security Sector,” read part of the letter

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