Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeHealthTelOne, NetOne Partner To Donate PPEs To Hospitals

TelOne, NetOne Partner To Donate PPEs To Hospitals


State-owned telecommunications entities, TelOne and NetOne this week joined efforts to fight the scourge of the Covid-19 by donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Sally Mugabe and Beatrice Infectious Diseases Hospitals under a joint COVID-19 response support facility of ZWL$10million.

The sustainable response plan was established to benefit three public hospitals namely Sally Mugabe (formerly Harare Hospital)and Beatrice Infectious Diseases Hospital in Harare and Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo.

The equipment donated includes Face masks, dromex Googles, disposable overalls, medium duty aprons, plastic overshoes, chemical overalls, Knapsacks & Hydrogen Peroxide Spray sanitizers for surfaces, 500ml and 75oml Isopropyl Alcohol Based hand sanitizers.

“We are indeed delighted to be able to play a big part to assist our nation in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic; the Government cannot do it alone therefore it is important for corporates to assist in every way possible. TelOne and NetOne are playing its part through short term and long term initiatives,” TelOne Corporate communications manager, Melody Harry said.

Mtasa also said water reticulation through drilling and full installation of 3 boreholes at Sally Mugabe Hospital and 1 borehole at Beatrice Infectious Diseases Hospital has been completed while drilling of 2 boreholes at Mpilo Hospital is currently in progress.

Speaking at the same event NetOne  head of public relations, Eldrette Shereni said; “Our zwl$10 million facility will also see the two corporates handover donated medical Equipment including ICU and ward care beds, bedside lockers and other ward furniture as well as suction machines, oxygen tanks, nebulisers and patient monitors.”

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The newly refurbished and fully equipped wards at the hospitals are expected to be unveiled and officially handed over by end of this month.

The two institutions have also set the National COVID 19 Hotline and are bearing the cost of all calls from the public terminating on their networks.

Zimbabwe has seen greater coordination and support from various entities across all sectors in assisting the country’s fragile health care system during this pandemic.

PPEs have been in short supply in most health care centers across the country, compromising safety of healthcare workers.

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