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HomeNewsWar Veterans Deserves a Decent Living-Muzorewa

War Veterans Deserves a Decent Living-Muzorewa

The goal of the liberation war was to set the whole country free from colonialism, human rights abuse, oppression, ethnic and racial discrimination. Therefore, freedom is a non-negotiable. Thus, it is incumbent upon the national government to reward the nation’s liberators in particular. Government is obligated to look after their welfare, as well as that of all citizens. By definition, war vets include all people who participated in the liberation war.

By Rev Dr Gwinyayi Muzorewa

Some actually carried guns, or supplied food [chimbwidos], or security strategies, medicines, and various other artifacts. It is intolerable that in such a rich country like Zimbabwe, forty years into independence, most of us are suffering due to the poor economic policies, corruption, fiscal mismanagement, and patronage-based economy[ cartels]. A few elite,[less than 1%], have accrued wealth, while the majority are wailing in poverty. Consequently, the war vets have been neglected for too long.

THE UANC promises to provide an alternative to the economic status quo, come 2023. Alternative government will attend to the basic needs of the nation’s freedom fighters, because it is government’s responsibility to look after the welfare of the nation’s war vets, especially those who are suffering from want. Our war vets are not a responsibility of ZANU PF, but that of the national government. As a party seriously seeking to bring real change, THEUANC government maintains that the sacrifice which the war vets made to free Zimbabwe, is priceless.

No amount of money can pay for it. Therefore we resolve that “the dead shall not have died in vain” and the living shall not live like paupers in their own land of birth. Political independence without basic human rights and material needs, such as shelter, food, and even prosperity, is not meaningful. Freedom came so that “we may have life and live it to the fullest” [ St. John10:10b].

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In the light of this persuasion, THEUANC has committed itself, to declare that, once given the mandate to lead the nation in 2023, the new Government will provide:Pension monthly at $500 US for every war vet;A Comprehensive Health Care package , to cover all medical needs including prescriptions, examination fees and any related requirements. Specialized doctors will be selected to take care of the war vets’ emotional, social, spiritual, psychological and physical needs; Medical accessories such as Wheel chairs, crutches, etc. Or , replace any such item; Transport passes valid on both private and public transport systems.

[Private transporters will secure a voucher for reimbursement by the appropriate authority]. Any violation of this will result in revocation of the company’s operating license. Nation-wide, all elderly people 65 + years, will also benefit from this provision; Small Business Enterprise loans and free training in one’s area of preference; Land, from 5 – 100 hectors, depending on need, for any war vets who may have not been allocated such basic benefits. Farming implements will be shared communally; 3-bedroom, solar powered houses, specifically for the war vets, beginning 2023-2024.

[To give a stand to a one-legged war vet, is an insult]. Cash sum [$30.000 US] for each war vet to be deposited in one’s bank account. Widows will receive $15,000 US. Nation-wide, 65+ year old retirees will receive a living allowance of $150 per month; A Comprehensive Funeral and Burial package including all transport costs, a standard coffin, groceries and specific bills. THE UANC believes that, because this is the final honor for the freedom fighters, they should receive a hero’s send off. In fact, all freedom fighters are our heroes and heroines; “Free education”, with no hidden costs [transport, building funds, examination fees, stationary, etc]. “Regular” employment to war vets at standard pay grade, based on one’s professional skills. 

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 THE UANC government, if elected, has a social welfare agenda for all Zimbabweans. It is capable of building national unity and revamping the nation’s economy.  Patronage is antithetical to unity. As inclusive government, we will be responsible for the welfare of all citizens, regardless of political affiliations. 

Inclusive government provides every Zimbabwean an opportunity to serve his/her country, depending on one’s skills, willingness and ability. In addition, all Zimbabweans in the Diaspora are welcome back home to enjoy essential freedoms – –  freedom of speech and expression, freedom of worship, freedom  from poverty, and freedom from fear.   THEUANC inclusive government will offer the nation a new birth of freedom.                    

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