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HomeNewsWe Are Back To Pre-November 2017 Coup, Says Tsenengamu

We Are Back To Pre-November 2017 Coup, Says Tsenengamu

Former Zanu PF national youths commissar who now leads the Front for Economic Emancipation in Zimbabwe (FEEZ), Godfrey Tsenengamu has equated events currently unfolding in the country’s political landscape to the pre November 2017 military led transition that ushered in the President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Addressing journalists in Harare Wednesday afternoon, Tsenengamu likened a number of events and the controversial Pomona Waste to energy deal to what former first lady Grace Mugabe did when she grabbed the iconic Mazowe dam.

“In 2017 there was massive grab by those in leadership especially those in the first family, the previous first family took Mazowe dam claiming that the dam was now theirs and the current (first family) has grabbed the Pomona dumpsite that does not belong to Delish Nguwaya.

“Delish does not have the power inosimudza huremende yese kunotorwa maselfies iripa dumpsite (Delish does not have the power to take a whole cabinet for still pictures at the site), it is the first family that is funding the Pomona deal, this is what exactly happened in 2017,” Tsenengamu charged

He took a swipe at ‘arrogant’ Zanu PF national spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa who was recently quoted saying the army is part of the ruling party.

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“People like Mutsvangwa have now become arrogant saying the army belongs to them, well zvazvakanakira kuti army ndeyenyu 2017 yakazokubatsirai so rambai makaichengeta iriyenyu because hatizive kuti ichazofungawo kuita sei zvairi yenyu. Iyoyo ichengetei maybe rimwe gore ichatibatsira handizive saka hatina problem nekuitora so keep it as your army. (What is good is that the army belongs to you and in 2017 it assisted you so keep it because we don’t what they will think since they belong to you, keep it maybe one day it is going to assist us we have no problem)

“What we know is Ndabaningi Sithole was removed from the Zanu presidency by the military officers who were at Mgagao, they were the architects of the Mgagao declaration and they installed Mugabe. The same military guys having seen that things have changed in 2017 removed the same Mugabe with ED (Mnangagwa).

“Fast forward your guess is as good as mine. So I am swaying 2017 is here, I have already said we have an arrogant and self centred leadership as was in 2017 there is bitterness and discontent in the rank and file of Zanu PF. There are feelings of uncertainty and insecurity in the top echelons of Zanu PF. The situation that ED was in 2017, I can tell you authoritatively that’s the same situation with General (Chiwenga) as we speak, it’s a very sad situation Mr. Mugabe had decided to do away with his ally who he had worked with for 53 years.

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He added “Now we have a same situation where the incumbent is failing to realise that he had been dumped and was rescued by the General who put his head on the line if restore legacy had failed it would have been history today.

“Today, what is his appreciation? They are now calling for a female vice president, in the same manner that they were proposing for female deputy president on ED. They are now doing the same on Chiwenga, well it’s up to Chiwenga on how he is going to deal with that.”

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