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What Kind Of Year Will You Be Having?

2023 is just around the corner. For many people, a new year usually signifies a new beginning. It can be taking the first steps to achieving your dream or maybe setting health goals such as a healthier diet, losing weight, or starting an exercise routine.

By Luke Gomes, Cluster Manager, Nestlé east and southern Africa region

But are you ready to make the most out of the year?

Here’s the truth, many of our new year’s resolutions don’t just happen without a bit of preparation and planning. For nearly everyone, waking up every morning means you have so many battles to fight to make it through the day. From breakfast preparations for school kids to busy work schedules and personal goals, you need to be fully prepared, both mentally and physically to find and keep your balance.

Here are four ways to help you and your children prepare mentally and physically:

  1. Figure out your priorities

Do you ever feel like everything is a high priority and you can’t figure out what to do first? To set priorities straight, make a list of the major tasks that you need to accomplish in order of importance. You can designate time frames for the tasks. It is also important to involve children in creating to-do lists to teach them the importance of prioritising. Also, remember to allow some time to relax, as rest and activity are the steps of progress.  

  • Find a physical activity that you love
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Being physically active can improve your well-being and reduce the risk of developing health complications. It can also improve your brain health, help manage weight, strengthen bones, and improve energy levels to do daily activities. Knowing the benefits of physical fitness and understanding how active you should be can help you maintain good health and improve your overall quality of life.

  • Keeping your mental health in check

Mental health is important because it impacts your emotions, thoughts, and behaviour. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in activities like school, work, school, or homecare. Keeping your mental health in check is important for your well-being.

  • Eat healthily

Following a healthy diet has many benefits. A healthy diet normally includes nutrient-dense foods from all the major food groups, including proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Your body needs all the nutrients it can get for growth and repair, as well as to help you prevent diet-related illnesses.

A good year started with great planning and some healthy routines will end well for you. Start implementing these ideas into your daily routines just as 2023 starts and you’ll see that you’re ready to tackle most challenges along your way. Cheers!

For more information visit www.nestle-esar.com. Follow us on Facebook @Our Nestlé Zimbabwe #nestlegoodtogo

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