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Home#263ChatZanu PF Campaign Cars Worries MDC-T

Zanu PF Campaign Cars Worries MDC-T

…..’State Resources Used To Purchase Party Vehicles’

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangirai has expressed concern over the ruling party which has reported to use millions of dollars in importing brand new campaigning vehicles ahead of 2018 elections.

Party spokesperson, Obert Gutu accused Zanu PF of abusing state funds to buy cars at a time when the government is struggling to pay civil servants.

“Recent press reports to the effect that Zanu PF has splashed no less than US$60 million in importing brand new motor vehicles and buses for their 2018 election campaign are most startling and indeed, extremely worrisome and disturbing.

“The MDC, being a social democratic political party that believes in constructing and molding a responsible and law – abiding welfare state, would like to register its utter contempt and complete disgust at the profligacy and financial impropriety that has become the hallmark of the collapsing and faction – infested Zanu PF regime,” notes MDC-T spokesperson in a statement.

Gutu questioned the source of the money used to purchase the cars.

“Fundamentally, the source of the money that Zanu PF used to purchase more than 365 motor vehicles and buses remains shrouded in secrecy. The MDC calls upon Zanu PF, to provide proof of import duty paid for these vehicles. Our investigations as a party have discovered some very scary facts about this recent acquisition of motor vehicles by the Zanu PF regime. We are thoroughly convinced that the source of the money used to import the vehicles borders on high level and institutionalized criminality,” said Gutu.

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He challenged Zimbabwe Revenue Authority to provide evidence of import duty paid by Zanu PF for the vehicles in question.

“Our investigations have revealed that, the ruling elite within the rabidly corrupt Zanu PF regime is in the habit of smuggling various items and commodities for their personal use and to their various struggling business enterprises. Put bluntly, smuggling being practiced by Zanu PF as a political party and members of the ruling elite is costing the country millions if not billions of United States dollars in lost revenue every year,” said Gutu.

He added, “Ordinary Zimbabweans are bearing the honorable task of paying import and customs duty when they bring in goods into Zimbabwe. The big political gladiators in Zanu PF hardly, if at all, pay customs and import duty when they bring in goods from their several and apparently endless shopping trips abroad.

“Zimbabwe has virtually turned into a fully – fledged Mafia state in which the ruling elite is answerable to no one. As a result of the rampant high level smuggling that has become the norm in the country, essential government services such as the provision of affordable health and education facilities for the majority of the people cannot be adequately funded by treasury. Our national roads as well as the railway system have all but collapsed due lack of regular rehabilitation and maintenance. Essentially, therefore, the Zanu PF regime has mutated into a rogue and completely irresponsible Mafia outfit.”

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Journalist based in Harare

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