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HomeNewsTeachers, opposition parties scoff at gvt $100 offer

Teachers, opposition parties scoff at gvt $100 offer

Teachers and opposition parties have scoffed at the $100 advance salary offered by government describing the move as unacceptable and a violation of  worker’s rights.

Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) Chief Executive Officer, Sifiso Ndlovu described the move as an act of madness and a clear violation of their rights.

“What the Minister did is a clear sign of madness, in fact the whole government is mad and it is a clear violation of our  rights. Who can live on a mere $100 in their rightful mind? We are rejecting such peanuts.

“They tell us there is no money yet we have a Vice President who has been staying in a hotel for close to 3 years, that money could have been channeled towards salaries for struggling civil servants,” said Ndlovu while adding that the president is always globetrotting with an entourage of more than 60 people who use taxpayers’ money each time they go out.

He said government suffers from a case of misplaced priorities where it blows money on unnecessary things like cars for Ministers while neglecting the plights of its workers.

The ZIMTA boss revealed that they will be gathering at the Minister’s Office on 1 July in protest over the salary issue.



Rural Teachers Association of Zimbabwe President, Obert Masaraure bemoaned the lack of consideration of workers by government saying the proposed $100 part payment will affect rural teachers as they do not have any means of survival.

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“Our lives depend on our salaries and when we have a government that comes and offers $100 to its workers, it shows there is lack of consideration, it means that government is evil,” said Masaraure.

His sentiments were echoed by MDC-T spokesperson, Obert Gutu who said the ZANU PF led government has failed dismally ,describing it as an unconcerned government that does not consider the lives of its citizens.

“We have a government that has run out of ideas and they think they can just impose whatever they want on people that is not right.

“The whole rogue regime has failed the nation and they should all go starting with the president. He has proven that he can no longer control this sinking ship,” fumed Gutu.

He added that government is short sighted as it tries to mend problems bedeviling the economy using unsustainable measures.

People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Spokesperson, Jacob Mafume said this was a mockery and insult to civil servants as the proposed  salary advance was too little.

“Government need to start appreciating its workers rather that make it look like workers are working for free. This is the highest level of incompetency and we as the PDP, we want to see this government doing the noble thing which is vacate office and leave it for people who can make the economy work again,” said Mafume.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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