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Home2018 ElectionsZanu-PF Admits to Holding Shambolic Primary Elections

Zanu-PF Admits to Holding Shambolic Primary Elections


Zanu PF has admitted to holding shambolic primary elections characterized by vote rigging, manipulation and violence, leaving the ruling party divided ahead of the July 30 harmonized elections.

Zanu PF politburo member and Principal of the Chitepo School of Ideology, Munyaradzi Machacha, said Zanu PF had done everything wrong during the elections but was hopeful that all loopholes will be rectified before the national election.

“One of the major issues that affected our primary elections was the inadequacy of cell registers , the delay in ballot paper printing, the shortage of time to train polling officers , lack of transport and other logistical challenges. These were cited as the major issues that affected the primary election process and we hope the electoral commission to comply in future,” said Machacha.

He said despite these mishaps, the Zanu PF national elections committee endorsed the elections and there will not be any re-run.

The Zanu PF primary elections were marred by reports vote buying with Harare East candidate Terrence Mukupe being the latest key figure fingered in vote buying scam after reports surfaced that he paid students from various tertiary institutions to vote for him.

Another key figure, Webster Shamu, was expelled after being found with marked ballot boxes in his car.

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Meanwhile, President Emmerson Mnangagwa confirmed that he was aware of vote rigging and vote buying reports implicating top party officials, who he said will be dealt with once investigations are done.

Mnangangwa also blasted the imposition of candidates for party positions and encouraged intra-party democracy.

“We cannot say Zimbabwe is open for business and say Zanu PF is closed for democracy. We must begin ourselves as a party to open ourselves to democracy.

“We want internal democracy in Zanu PF. the members in the party should be given the opportunity to choose the people to represent them, the people whom they want to work with.

“I know currently as we start our democratic process, elements of imposition are taking place and its being perpetrated by us in leadership positions.

“Its happening in the Central Committee, at district level but as we go on, democracy should take root. We will move to expose all the culprits as we go forward,” said Mnangagwa.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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