Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsZanu PF Threatens Expulsion of US Ambassador 

Zanu PF Threatens Expulsion of US Ambassador 


The ruling Zanu PF party has threatened to expel the United States ambassador to Harare, Brian Nichols in a new low in diplomatic relations between Harare and Washington.

Addressing journalists at the party headquarters in Harare, acting spokesperson, Patrick Chinamasa said the diplomat should be ashamed of himself.

“I want to warn them (foreign diplomats) that it is high time to know that Zimbabwe is a sovereign Republic and we are a full sovereign state under the Montevideo Convention. The US ambassador whom I am told is African-American, must be totally ashamed of himself.

“What has the United States has to offer in terms of values and human rights observance when his own African American people are treated like rats in full view of world media and he remains an Uncle Tom used to propagate values which by themselves they do not practice on their own people,” said Chinamasa

Without remorse Chinamasa warned Ambassador Nichols that should he continue to undermining the country’s laws Zanu PF will not hesitate to expel him.

“He continues to engage in acts of undermining this Republic and if he does so, if he continues engaging in acts of undermining the Republic mobilizing and funding disturbances coordinating violence and training insurgency our leadership will not hesitate to give him his marching orders.

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“Diplomats should not behave like thugs and Brian Nichols is a thug. We remind Nichols that he is not a super Diplomat in this country. There are several Diplomats seconded to this republic from African Union countries and the world over. They have never masqueraded and pretended to be our prefects as Mr Nichols is doing. We have nothing to learn from the United States or from countries which impose sanctions” he said

The threats come at a time Government has also issued statements accusing the American embassy of funding the planned July 31 protests.

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