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HomePoliticsChamisa Agrees To National Dialogue, Attaches Conditions

Chamisa Agrees To National Dialogue, Attaches Conditions


MDC leader Nelson Chamisa, through his party, say they will engage in a national dialogue to find a lasting solution to the current crisis facing the country as long as his five demands are met.

In its resolutions at the just ended 5th national congress held in Gweru Chamisa’s party put in place five demands for the opposition movement to join the national dialogue.

“In order to resolve the national crisis, Congress mandated the party to engage in a national dialogue to reach a political settlement through a transitional mechanism.

“Any such dialogue must be credible and bankable, anchored on five key pillars which are:

  1. a) Return to Legitimacy and normalcy
  2. b) A Comprehensive reform agenda
  3. c) Nation building and peace building
  4. d) An end to international Isolation
  5. e) Resolving the economic and humanitarian situation” reads part of the resolution.

Chamisa has in the past insisted that his party would not join the national dialogue which is currently being spearheaded by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, together with other political party leaders who lost during the July 2018 elections.

The party said the economic situation must be looked at immediately and reforms must be enacted to save the country from sinking further.

“Through disastrous policies anchored on patronage and regime survival agendas, the ZANU PF administration has collapsed the economy which finds itself in a deep recession characterized by high unemployment, zero productivity, hyperinflation, an unsustainable debt, collapsed social services, terrible monetary policy and loss of value of working peoples salaries and pensions.

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” The Congress, therefore, mandates the party to take action through dialogue and other constitutional means of ensuring that there are deep structural Reforms in the economy including –
(i) macro-economic stability and fiscal consolidation
(ii) a stable monetary policy including a return to the multi-currency regime and the demonetization of the RTGS dollar and its cousin, the bond note.
(iii) ensuring full employment and the preservation of the value of wages and pensions
(iv) a resolution of the country’s sovereign debt crisis through methods that do not ensure the country’s further indebtedness and the continued accumulation of unsustainable and odious debt.
(v) addressing poverty, social services and the creation of social safety nets.
(vi) the pursuit of a rigorous programme of the rural areas.
(vii) the pursuit of gross capital formation and infrastructural transformation focusing on roads, energy, dam and ICTs,” said the MDC.

Chamisa and the MDC have failed to recognise Mnangagwa as the legitimate President of the republic citing irregularities in the judgement which was passed by the ConCourt following the contentious elections.

This has led to Mnangagwa and the grouping of the losing candidate to go ahead with the national dialogue as the Mnangagwa regimes seek a lasting solution to the crisis which is threatening to cripple the country.

Chamisa has insisted that as long as he is not part of the discussions, there will be no progress and threatened that the situation would get worse.

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The country is currently crippled by acute fuel and foreign currency shortages which have had a direct impact on industries and raised prices of basic commodities beyond the reach of struggling citizens.

In one of the resolutions, the Chamisa led party resolved that there will be demonstrations if the current crisis does not end.

“Concerned by the absence of a national consensus and broad-based inclusive reforms resulting in cosmetic, false and pretentious reforms.

“Congress, therefore, calls for the restoration of trust, confidence and legitimacy in order to create an environment for growth, stability, productivity on the back of domestic and foreign capital flows. Congress reiterated its position, that in the face of continued intransigence by ZANU-PF, the people of Zimbabwe have a constitutional right to protest,” the MDC said.

In January, there was a national shutdown as citizens protested against fuel price increases.

Six people died as the army opened fire on citizens.

Since then, the situation has gotten worse as prospective investors have folded their hands and looked from afar as the country continues to burn.

Mnangagwa had hoped to resurrect the economy based on investor confidence but he has seen his chances being blown away.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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