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HomePoliticsYou Don’t Want Change Because You Benefiting from Chaos, Linda Masarira Tells Govt

You Don’t Want Change Because You Benefiting from Chaos, Linda Masarira Tells Govt


Controversial opposition leader, Linda Masarira has accused the Zanu PF government of resisting change to perpetuate the chaotic situation the country finds itself in for personal aggrandizement.

Masarira, who now leads a new political outfit Labour Economists and African Democrats (LEAD) said her party will not sit and watch while those in power continue to squander the fortunes of poor Zimbabweans.

“Men in power don’t want things to change because they are benefiting from the chaos. Zvivhunze ugere ipapo kuti, (ask yourself that), other than parroting slogans what have you benefited in the last 10 years? Ramba kuitiswa and start calling every corrupt person you know to account. Only the truth will set Zimbabwe free.

“As for me and the LEAD family, we are going to pull the bull by its horns until we restore order and ensure socioeconomic rights to every Zimbabwean. There is no one who is more Zimbabwean than the other,” fumed Masarira.

She blamed sanctions imposed on the country by the west saying that Zimbabwe is actually a resilient nation considering the economic warfare that has created instability in the country.

“We will only progress as a nation when political leaders stop being used by the east and west, when they stop pushing their own selfish agendas for self aggrandizement and when they put Zimbabweans first before trading our natural resources at a pittance.

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“There is no one who is more Zimbabwean than the other. If we, “the have nots” are not yet ready to call all corrupt and unethical government officials, political, religious and church leaders to order and account, there will be no resuscitation of the economy.
Our war as the suffering masses in Zimbabwe is against poverty and corruption. United in our diversity we can dismantle corruption in our government, institutions, civic society, churches, schools, councils, political parties, burial societies, etc,” she added.

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Journalist based in Harare

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