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HomeFeature‘Chamisa Chete Chete’ Mantra Divides Opinion Among MDC Alliance Supporters

‘Chamisa Chete Chete’ Mantra Divides Opinion Among MDC Alliance Supporters


The Movement for Democratic Change- Alliance (MDC A) which recently experienced turbulent times due to internal power squabbles, has once again come under scrutiny from a section of its followers, who are questioning the rationale behind continued use of the “Chamisa Chete Chete” slogan way after the 2018 harmonised elections.

The slogan was a hit during the 2018 harmonised elections campaign period as a direct counter to the “ED Pfee slogan”, which supported President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

However, post the 2018 election, the slogan has been used to support Chamisa against rival factions gunning for control of the opposition movement.

With the like Douglas Mwonzora, Tapiwa Mashakada, Morgen Komichi and Thokozani Khupe drifting away from the MDC Alliance, a section of Zimbabweans have raised concerns over prioritizing Chamisa brand at the expense of the party have recently got louder.

One key Chamisa supporter and Human Rights Lawyer, Advocate Nqobizitha Mlilo stirred controversy on Twitter recently after he questioned the sincerity of the CCC mantra and how progressive it is to the party.

“Cdes, I ask sincerely. Are we members of Nelson Chamisa or we are members of the MDC led by Nelson Chamisa? Are we members of a member of our movement or members of the movement? The answer to this question has an indubitable proportionate relationship to our seeming directionless

MDC Senator for Matabeleland South, Bekithemba Mpofu, weighed in on the issues saying the CCC mantra had compromised the party, which has created loyalists to Chamisa than the party.

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“I think the Chete Chete mantra has compromised the movement and making us look more of members of a member.  It should be banned least we assassinate internal constructive views!” he said on Twitter.

He added: “The mantra was inherited so it’s not really a personal reflection of the Movement President Adv. NC but possibly us the members. I stand guided but my translated meaning of the phrase ‘Chete Chete’ provides backing for what Adv Mlilo is asking…”

“Because of the Chete mantra I’m still contemplating signing up online. The movement must not be converted into an idolatry centre. Don’t personalise the movement lest you push some people away,” Dr Hillary Musarurwa also added.

Political commentator, Claris Madhuku said the dangers of the CCC mantra is that the opposition risked creating a demi-god that beyond satisfying the people’s anger against Zanu-PF, might not offer something to meet the expectations of the frustrated citizenry.

“Members of the opposition need to be very careful because we have a history that if you follow popular and charismatic leaders without looking at the values that they represent, we as a people, as a country and a society tend to lose.

“There is a movement behind Chamisa which is blind to some of the values that the opposition politics must purse and they have tended to look at Chamisa as a demi-god,” said Madhuku.

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He further added that the biggest mistake that the opposition can make is to propel individuals rather than the values and ethos of the movement.

“If people are to continue following the individual that is Chamisa, the founding principles of the MDC will be forgotten because upon its creation, the party represented the views of a diverse constituency. So people will get frustrated and the movement might suffer the effects,” added Madhuku.

Innocent Kagodora, a political analyst says beyond the mudslinging and name-calling currently happening within the broader MDC movement, there is need to attend Congress and solve the leadership crisis.

“The current problems can be traced to a succession dispute gone wrong. If Congress establishes an effective leadership, the movement has the opportunity to rise above the current cult of personalities.

“Unfortunately there are many power mongers who harbour presidential ambitions. And many draw strength on their personal history and positions since the founding of the movement. The democratisation of the struggle is the one thing that can allow the party to rise above personalities and reaffirm the founding values,” he told 263Chat.


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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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