Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeHealthAdvocacy Group Welcomes Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Applications

Advocacy Group Welcomes Medicinal Cannabis Licensing Applications

The Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network (ZCLDN) has welcomed the call by Medical Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) to allow companies and individuals selling medicinal cannabis to apply for licenses and called on the Government to reform the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

MCAZ recently invited licensed cannabis and hemp producers, manufacturers, importers, exporters, and retail pharmacists to apply for approval to sell the products.

In a statement, ZCLDN called on the Government to speed up the establishment of public rehabilitation centres in each of the country’s provinces.

“ZCLDN welcome the move by MCAZ of issuing licences to all companies and individuals who are in the production and selling of medicinal cannabis as this will go a long way in assisting people with chronic illnesses such as cancer and arthritis, among others. As an organisation we applaud the government’s role in upholding international statutes in helping people with chronic illnesses. MCAZ, however, warned those caught selling cannabis without licences that they will be prosecuted for selling unapproved medicines. Zimbabwe’s laws for possession of cannabis for personal use are very strict while cannabis use remains highly stigmatised.

“As such, we call upon the government of Zimbabwe to reform the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9:23 (57) and the Dangerous Drugs Act Chapter 15 to enable the full implementation of the Zimbabwe National Drug Master Plan in offering harm reduction services for people who use and inject drugs. In the same spirit, ZCLDN calls upon the government to speed up the establishment of public rehabilitation centres, one per Province for the treatment of people who use drugs. The current private rehabilitation centres are beyond the reach of the majority,” said ZCLDN.

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Over the past five years 10 countries have passed laws to legalise production for medical and scientific purposes these include Lesotho, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Ghana, Eswatini, Rwanda and Morocco.

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