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HomeNewsBusinessman Musarara Donates Towards Covid-19 Fight

Businessman Musarara Donates Towards Covid-19 Fight

Drotsky Chief Executive Officer Tafadzwa Musarara on Saturday donated goods worth ZWL$500 000 to Howard Hospital in Chiweshe District towards the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

In his speech during the handover ceremony at the Salvation Army run hospital, Musarara who was also guest of honour said the pandemic knows no boundary as it has claimed the rich and the poor hence the need to adequately  prepare.

“The virus is invincible, aggressive, non-discriminatory and unrelenting. The cure of the disease remains out of sight. This pandemic has taught us that at all times our health institutions must be adequately resourced. The Covid-19 pandemic has become the worst disaster since the end of World War II.

“The current state of the pandemic in the West and Asia simply foretells what is in store for us in the coming months. Howard Hospital is a key institution in the management of this disease here in Chiweshe” said Musarara.

Deputy speaker of Parliament, Tsitsi Gezi who graced the occasion castigated politicians who frustrate development partners for fear of losing their parliamentary seats.

“Many politicians are selfish, they elbow out development partners fearing that their seats may be taken by these partners. This hinders development and drags the country down” said Gezi

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Musarara pledged two months’ supply of bread to the hospital through Drotsky subsidiary company NatBake and mealie meal supply that will cover until December 31, 2020.

Among the goods donated were Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) that included washable face masks, gowns knapsack sprayers and disinfectants.

Howard Hospital Administrator Major Effort Paswera of the Salvation Army paid tribute to Musarara saying the donation came a time the hospital was in need of PPEs.

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