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HomeNewsMillers Deny Lands Committee Claims

Millers Deny Lands Committee Claims

The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) says they learnt with shock and disbelief a statement by the Lands and agriculture Portfolio Committee to the effect that they were snubbing Parliament over accounting of US$27 million.

In a statement released late Monday by GMAZ spokesperson, Garikai Chaunza the millers say they never received financial assistance from the Government or the Central Bank.

“We learnt with shock and disbelief of a statement by the Portfolio Committee Chair, on his personal twitter account, that GMAZ is snubbing Parliament with regards to accounting for US$27M. For the record GMAZ has never received loan, grant or any financial assistance from Government or Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe,” said Chaunza

He said the money in question was bought by GMAZ at interbank rate and subsequently paid to the respective supplier.

“The US$27M in question relates to foreign currency that GMAZ bought at the prevalent exchange rate at the time with the funds remitted to respective supplier. The necessary acquittals proving that the wheat came into the country were done through our bankers,” he said.

He said proof of foreign payments to wheat suppliers and allocation were submitted to the Portfolio Committee on 19 March 2019 and video footage was available as supporting evidence.

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Chaunza said they had through the media publicly published statistics showing the quantum and distribution of the wheat and that the source documents were available for inspection.

He added that Parliament affairs must not be communicated through twitter accounts since the institution has its official communication platforms.

Gokwe Nembudziya legislator Justice Mayor Wadyejena chairs the Parliamentary Committee on Lands and Agriculture. GMAZ did not appear before the committee last week after they had sent their reasons through their lawyers.

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