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HomeNewsConform To State Principles: Mliswa Tells State-owned Media Employees

Conform To State Principles: Mliswa Tells State-owned Media Employees

Following the suspension of CapiTalk FM’s station manager, Nyaradzo Makombe-Hazangwi, Outspoken Member of Parliament for Norton constituency, Temba Mliswa, has advised state-owned media employees to always be willing to conform with propagandist principles of the ZANU PF led government.

Mliswa made the remarks on Twitter earlier today, where he also stressed the point that state-owned media is a propaganda tool for the ruling party.

“People should learn state-owned media is just a propaganda tool. When you work there, one must be prepared to toe the line. There’re always two sides to a story, hence the push for independent stations to complement the efforts of social media,” said Mliswa.

He also expressed disappointment over little investment and attention channelled towards balanced journalists and institutions.

“Unfortunately, independent thinking journalist, brilliant in their fields aren’t given the mileage they deserve. They try but it’s not sustainable in this environment where we find those who accept “brown envelopes” prospering,” said  Mliswa.

Meanwhile, the country’s sole television broadcaster, ZBC, also fired its director of corporate communications, Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa, recently.

While details of her sacking are blurry, Parirenyatwa who took to Twitter to vent her frustration alleged that she was fired for her brilliance which threatened older men and women in higher positions.

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“One day we won’t get suspended or fired for doing our jobs. One day we will get hired for our abilities and promoted for our brilliance. One day we won’t offend older men and women who feel threatened by excellence. Mediocrity and fear are the enemies of growth. One day is one day,” she said.

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