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HomePolitics‘Gamatox Resurgence A Threat To Zanu-PF’

‘Gamatox Resurgence A Threat To Zanu-PF’

Outspoken Norton legislator Temba Mliswa says the rebirth of the Gamatox faction is a threat to the ruling Zanu PF party and believes it is important for President Emmerson Mnangagwa to bring together everyone if the party is to remain strong.

Gamatox was a name given to a faction that was rallying behind former Vice President Joyce Mujuru’s bid to succeed the late President, Robert Mugabe before she was purged in the run-up to the ruling party’s December 2014.

In a Twitter post, Mliswa claims that there is tension and infighting in the liberation movement.

“ZANU PF is currently undergoing a stressful time as a party. There is a lot of tension and suspicions. However, I would like to explain the genesis of this and how if this situation is not rectified the party has no redemptive moment anytime ahead.

“Today the threat to ZANU PF is the resurgence of Gamatox and not G40 or Lacoste. The latter 2 had no people but Gamatox had them. That’s why it’s important for ED to reconcile everyone if the party is to be strong. Those expelled leaders remain out there and ZANU PF is a shadow,” claimed Mliswa

The former Zanu PF provincial chairperson says the party is entangled in a conspiratorial network of labelling.

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“If the leaders need the truth they should call us and we tell them where the problem lies. They took the party but have failed to restructure it properly. That is why the party is forever entangled in the conspiratorial web of G40 allegations and alleged threats from everywhere.

“The enormity of the rot is apparent when you find people like Webster Shamhu being accused of being factionalist. A respected and verified leader who was able to run Mash West as the best Province in the country and today you say he is factional. That’s hogwash. As an elder, he just ignores it and sits back but the young ones won’t sit back, they resist.

“The easiest thing is to say sorry and receive back all those expelled. Some of us worked in these provinces such that if we are to stand today all we need is to simply state, I’m contesting. I went through all the 311 Districts in Mash west and have enough political capital.” he said

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