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HomeNewsGomba Headed For A Clash With Harare Councillors

Gomba Headed For A Clash With Harare Councillors


Harare City Mayor, Councillor Herbert Gomba could by now be an unpopular figure at Town House following his decision to throw away councillors demands for Ipads on the grounds that it is not a priority.

According to a story published in the Newsday today, Harare City councillors demanded iPads for use during council meetings to replace paper, as well as equipping them with the latest information technology gadgets.

“It is resolved that the town clerk be tasked to ensure that councillors and relevant officials are provided with I-pads by October 31, 2018,” part of the minutes read.

But Gomba quashed the request saying it is not a priority for the cash strapped municipality.

“The issue to do with iPads was dealt with by myself and the town clerk , we agreed it’s not a priority, and shall be treated as such , Good day , let me concentrate on mobilization of resources for council, to ensure the transformational plan works,” said Gomba.

The Councillors’ request for Ipads caused a social media outcry with people questioning the justification behind the demand considering that City of Harare had other pressing issues to address including the recent cholera outbreak that resulted in the death of more than 40 people.

One Twitter user, @ThiefJustice had this to say “Ok what’s going on here @herbert_gomba ? Recently you celebrated increase in revenue collection. People are still suffering from cholera & your councilors want iPads? Balance me.”

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Another user named @Tatenda tweeted that, “Two days back @cohsunshinecity was demolishing people’s houses in Budiriro. Families were left homeless. Today, @MDCAllianceZW Harare Councillors are demanding iPads. They go on to threaten to boycott meetings if not given iPads. At e expense of citizens, poor service delivery.”

Harare City councillors are not the first to demand Ipads. In June this year, government had to intervene and force Bulawayo councillors to pay for the free iPads they had received from council.

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