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HomeNewsGovt Effects ‘No Vaccine No Salary’ Mandate On Doctors, Nurses

Govt Effects ‘No Vaccine No Salary’ Mandate On Doctors, Nurses


The government has started effecting the ‘No Vaccine No Salary’ to unvaccinated nurses and doctors together with those who have received a single dose of the COVID-19.

In a memo to staffers in Matebeleland South Province, the Provincial Medical Director, Dr Ruth Chikodzero announced that those who missed the October 15 deadline set by the government will not be paid this month.

“With reference to Health Services Board minute dated September 14, 2021. The following measures for unvaccinated staff have been imposed and must be implemented with immediate effect: Cessation of salary for all members vaccinated once after October 15, 2021. Cessation of salary for all unvaccinated staff.

“Members with medical conditions to produce valid medical reports. Pregnant mothers to provide proof of maternity leave. Members vaccinated once must not report for duty until they produce proof of the second dose. Cessation of salary for members who were vaccinated once some months back and failed to have the second dose to date,” she said.

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), the country’s main labour body, in September took the government to court challenging the compulsory vaccination drive.

However, the government insists the measures are to protect citizens against the virus.

As of 03 November 2021, Zimbabwe has had 133 091 confirmed cases, including 127 829 recoveries and 4 684 deaths.

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To date, a total of 3 336 079 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

However, the government has not published statistics of how many civil servants have not been vaccinated.

Sources allege that human resources departments were ordered to compile the lists, with names being sent to the Salary Services Bureau to stop payments.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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