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HomeNewsGovt Must Stop Sponsoring Corruption, Says CCC

Govt Must Stop Sponsoring Corruption, Says CCC

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has condemned Government interference into the affairs of City of Harare and subsequent alleged threats on Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume by Presidential spokesperson George Charamba.

Charamba was quoted in a private media as saying if Mafume continues to oppose Cabinet decision he will end up in prison. This follows a council meeting chaired by Mafume had voted to suspend operation of the controversial Pomona waste to energy deal entered into between the City of Harare and Netherlands based Geogenix BV.

In a statement, CCC national spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere condemned both the Pomona deal and the alleged threats by Charamba.

“We condemn the corrupt interference of Central Government in the affairs of the City of Harare and the recent threats by Mr Mnangagwa’ spokesperson, George Charamba against the Mayor of Harare, His Worship Jacob Mafume. Mr George Charamba has threatened Mayor Mafume with imprisonment at Chikurubi Maximum Prison if he continues to oppose Cabinet’s (unlawful) decision to endorse the corrupt US$240 million Pomona waste management deal.

“Mr Charamba’s unconstitutional threats follow a resolution passed by a special meeting called by CCC councillors last week to suspend the operation of the illegal contract purportedly entered into between Netherlands-based Geogenix BV company and the City of Harare, which will see a company affiliated to Mr Mnangagwa’s regime, Geogenix BV pocketing US$22 000 per day for 30 years.

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“The Pomona Waste Management deal was unprocedurally concluded. The deal did not go to tender as required by law to avert corruption. Additionally, it was signed by Councillor Mutizwa who was illegally appointed by Minister July Moyo. This illegality was recently set aside by the High Court. Any acts purportedly done by Mutizwa in this capacity are a nullity at law. These are clear violations of s68 of the Constitution which requires all administrative conduct to be lawful, reasonable and fair,” said Mahere.

She added “Accordingly, we call for an immediate end to threats against Mayor Mafume and CCC councillors, central government interference in Council affairs and call for implementation of the devolution clauses of the Constitution. Service delivery for the betterment of citizens must be at the centre of all decisions made and activities conducted by local authorities.”

The Pomona deal has received widespread condemnation with Government adamant that the deal will go ahead despite objection from some Harare councillors.

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