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HomePoliticsMnangagwa’s Housing of Corrupt People Undermines ‘Voice of the People’: Mliswa

Mnangagwa’s Housing of Corrupt People Undermines ‘Voice of the People’: Mliswa

Member of Parliament for Norton constituency, Temba Mliswa has countermanded President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s ‘voice of the people is the voice of God’ mantra, saying his failure to arrest corrupt people in the country against a Parliamentary resolution smacks of window dressing measures against the vice that has ruined the country’s economy while scaring away potential investors.

Addressing the media in the capital today, Mliswa said the reason Mnangagwa is failing to nip in the bud corruption is because the perpetrators are the ones bankrolling his party.

Mliswa said the firing of Prosecutor General, Ray Goba is not sufficient to project the new dispensation as genuinely concerned with ending corruption.

“Firing Prosecutor General mean nothing. As parliament we have put recommendations for people to be prosecuted the likes of Chivhayo, I mean i have a read a certain headline that he wants to be given money under which dispensation?  I mean is this the new dispensation that we talk about when parliament has clearly recommended and Zimbabwe Power Company is conforming with the parliament recommendations, the parliament is the voice of the people.

“His excellency Comrade Mnangagwa talks about the ‘voice of the people is the voice of God,’ so the voice of the people in terms of legislation and representing is Parliament. When Parliament speaks who is he to undermine parliament. So we see a situation where the executive because of corrupt activities is willing to undermine parliament in a corrupt way, we are not excited about that,”  fumed Mliswa.

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Mliswa further lashed at the government, citing Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission member, Goodison Nguni, Ozias Bvute, Zanu PF aspiring member of Parliament for Chivi South, Killer Zivhu as examples of how the new dispensation has demonstrated incompetence in dealing with corruption.

Mliswa further castigated Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga who addressed a rally in Norton-Kingsdale a couple of days ago challenging him to deal with corruption which he said is being perpetrated by Zanu PF aspiring candidates.

“Vice President Chiwenga with due respect, he knows that Curthbert Mupamhi is the one who runs Kingsdale but he is a candidate for Zanu PF in Zvishavane, Killer Zivhu has destroyed Galow, but is a candidate for Zanu PF.

“But to me honestly Vice President you come to Kingsdale knowing that your own party person has created the problems with due respect, respect the people of Norton. Deal with barons in Zanu PF and yet they are candidates they are going to be members of the house of assembly. So how do you zero in on them, they have made money, they have donated money to the party and so forth.

“These parties too are not sincere. They are the ones who are also encouraging corruption, they receive money from corrupt people. They are being bankrolled by thieves so how can you arrest thieves,” said Mliswa.

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