Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomePoliticsMutodi Spills The Beans On Monica Mutsvangwa, Accuse Her Of Orchestrating Plan To Have Him Fired

Mutodi Spills The Beans On Monica Mutsvangwa, Accuse Her Of Orchestrating Plan To Have Him Fired

In a new twist to the ongoing battle between Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Monica Mutsvangwa and her deputy Energy Mutodi, the underfire Goromonzi South legislator has revealed how his boss is orchestrating a sinister plan to have him fired and replaced by her unnamed loyalist.

Mutodi has since his appointment in September, caused a lot of controversy through his Twitter account which he uses to fight his adversaries.

A couple of days ago the musician-cum-politician allegedly assaulted his driver for demanding his dues.

Mutodi has also clashed with Alpha and Media Holdings (AMH) boss Trevor Ncube over the latter’s decision to hike prices of newspapers.

Posting on Twitter yesterday, Mutodi accused Mutsvangwa of orchestrating chaos an attempt to persuade Mnangagwa to fire him.

Mutodi further alleged that Mutsvangwa has captured the state media and also Ncube’s AMH newspapers.

“Minister Monica Mutsvangwa is working with a rogue driver who is claiming to have been assaulted by me. She wants me fired from the Information Ministry and replaced by her loyalist. She has captured the state media and AMH newspapers. It’s game on.”

Both Mutsvangwa and Mutodi suffered political persecution during Robert Mugabe’s times as G40 camp took the reigns of the party.

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