Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeCourtsMwonzora Visits Sikhala At Chikurubi, Family Says Jailed Legislator Reluctant To Meet Him

Mwonzora Visits Sikhala At Chikurubi, Family Says Jailed Legislator Reluctant To Meet Him

Opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) President Douglas Mwonzora will today visit incarcerated legislators Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole at Chikurubi Maximum prison, his party has said.

According to Dube, Mwonzora sought authority from the Justice ministry in line with government policy which requires prominent persons to seek approval before visiting high profile inmates.

“Please be advised that MDC President Douglas Mwonzora has finally gotten the authority to visit incarcerated Chitungwiza lawmaker, Job Wiwa Sikala. We lodged an application with the Ministry of Justice responsible for prisons as per government policy that all prominent persons must do so prior to visiting a high profile inmate, and our request has been approved.

“President Mwonzora is expected to be with Job Sikala anytime from 12:30pm,” said Dube.

However, Sikhala family spokesperson and lawyer Freddy Masarirevhu has however reported that the Zengeza West legislator was reluctant to meet Mwonzora having declined a similar request two months ago.

“Hon. @JobSikhala1 will NOT meet Sen. Mwonzora. He does not want any unsolicited visits from any quotas OTHER than the general citizens of Zimbabwe and members of his party the @CCCZimbabwe. He declined the request 2 months ago for security reasons

“He was informed of a meeting allegedly held by Sen. Mwonzora and members of the CIO in Mt Pleasant months ago. He is NOT meeting him. Senior officers at ZPCS informed him of the proposed visit and he declined instantly,” said Masarirevhu.

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While Mwonzora was heading to Chikurubi, CCC leader Nelson Chamisa was visiting families of Nyatsimbe residents who are incarcerated together with Sikhala and Sithole.

Chamisa’s visit to Nyatsime saw his party supporters being attacked by alleged Zanu PF supporters, according to CCC.

Sikhala, Sithole and 14 other Nyatsime residents were arrested in June this year following skirmishes at the funeral of Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist Moreblessing Ali.

They have been languishing in remand prison for more than 100 days and had five bail applications turned down

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