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HomePress ReleaseOpposition on course to unite

Opposition on course to unite

On 26 April 2014 the MDC Renewal Team, now People’s Democratic Party (PDP), at Mendel Training Centre in Harare resolved that as one of the cornerstones of taking Zimbabwe forward, the party must reconnect and rebuild original alliances and relationships with the church, labor, the women’s movement, the student movement, democratic civil society and other democratic opposition political parties.

Therefore it is in the DNA of the PDP to work towards opposition political parties coming together and forming a coalition of champions that will torpedo the ZANU PF regime out of power and lead a programme of political, economic and social transformation.

In pursuit of this noble cause, the PDP leadership has since 2014 been working behind the scenes in order to bring the opposition parties together and in this regard we have no doubt that in the coming few months the product of this effort will be presented to the Zimbabweans.

Watch Video below as PDP President talks about coalition 

In our policy blueprint HOPE, we clear outline the steps which we must follow in rethinking another Zimbabwe which are as follows:

  • A humble and bold leadership that believes in working as a team.
  • The convergence of all Zimbabweans though a United Front in fighting the predatory single-dominant party state – hegemony formation by ZANU PF.
  • The amplification of social dialogue and securing of a Social Contract by a consulting State.
  • An approach based on thought leadership, strategy and the placement of dominant issues and debate at the forefront of political differences, discourse and direction.
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It is therefore against this background that we take great exception at the desperate acts by the Herald and its sister papers of attempting to create a mirage division in the opposition movement through publication of falsehoods.

It is saddening to realize that a whole national paper can be reduced to become the last line of defense for a wasted and warring political party which is long past its sell by date. Such desperation is the highest manifestation of gutter journalism by those shamelessly being used for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver by their political handlers.

It is the PDP’s position that any effort by ordinary people, organizations and fellow opposition political parties that has the net effect of eroding Mugabe and ZANU PF’s stranglehold on power is a noble initiative which must be supported.

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263Chat is a Zimbabwean media organisation focused on encouraging & participating in progressive national dialogue

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