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HomeGeneralPhilanthropist Feeds 1000 Families

Philanthropist Feeds 1000 Families

Local entrepreneur and philanthropist Clayton Musasiwa through his company Kwandisa Group has been silently feeding more than 1000 families as party of Social Corporate Responsibility.

The information which has been kept under wraps for decades is contained in the company’s 2022 Corporate Sustainability Report.

“For more than two decades, Kwandisa Group has been unwavering in our commitment to serve disadvantaged households in Mash Central and help under privilege families from the Bindura area by providing them with millie meal from its subsidiary Adult Milling Company. This programme feeds over a 1000 families per annum,” reads the report.

This comes at a time when social welfare minister Paul Mavhima has revealed that about 3.7 million Zimbabweans are facing acute shortage of food.

“3.7 million people have registered with the government for basic food assistance,” he said.

Musasiwa, a shrewd businessman who broke the jinx of poverty through hard work and perseverance believe in putting the vulnerable in the forefront of fighting poverty.

The Kwandisa Group has put measures to measures in place for the successful implement.

“Led by our group MD Mr Clayton Musasiwa, Kwandisa believes success will be amplified as we adopt and implement policies that prioritise the well-being of people in our community, our employees and their families. We also believe that sound, sustainable business practices are crucial to building trust and enhancing our reputation,” the report added.

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“We intend for our CSR to provide our stakeholders with valuable information in a format that is easy to understand. Last year, we introduced an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Snapshot that shows various ESG metrics over the most recent three-year period, as well as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) disclosure metrics that we believe are most relevant to our industry and business model.

Investors indicated that they found the additional information to be useful, and we have updated the appendices to reflect the most recent data.”

“As you will see in this report, since last year we’ve made positive changes to reflect our dedication to improving the health and overall well-being of our employees, and we enhanced several initiatives to underscore our commitment to ESG issues.

“I want to thank our stakeholders for your continued interest in Kwandisa Group and for supporting our efforts as we endeavour to do what’s right for our stakeholders, our clients, our employees, and the thousands of communities in which we live and work,” added the report.

Kwandisa is a family owned business that started in the backyard in the 90s and has grown to become a diversified group with interests in various sectors including agriculture, retail and manufacturing.

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