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HomeCourtsSACU Pushes Investigation Into Death Threats Against State Doctor

SACU Pushes Investigation Into Death Threats Against State Doctor

The Special Anti-Corruption Unit (SACU) in the office of the President and Cabinet has written to the Police Anti-Corruption Unit (PACU) to investigate circumstances surrounding threats to life of Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals psychiatrist Dr. Ropafadzo Muzvidziwa by some anonymous individuals.

Dr. Muzvidziwa is reported to have received threats after she examined Pokugara Properties managing director Michael John Van Blerk who is facing criminal charges at the Harare Magistrates Court. Van Blerk had earlier been declared unfit to stand trial by his personal doctor.

The State through prosecutor Zivanai Macharaga requested that Van Blerk be examined by a State doctor and on 25 June 2021 Dr. Muzvidziwa examined him and wrote an affidavit to the effect that Van Blerk was fit to stand trial. Later on, some individuals visited her work place making threats to her life and job.

A letter dated 1 July 2021 gleaned by 263Chat, after a Court order, SACU has requested PACU to interrogate the issue as the matter was urgent.

“We accordingly request you to attend to the investigations as directed by the court. It is necessary among things you can lawfully do to interview Dr. Muzvidziwa and her workmates to establish how they interacted with the accused person, Michael John Van Blerk and subsequent threats received.

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“It is also necessary to find out all these threats made to Dr. Muzvidziwa and her workmates and what exactly was said and by who which constitutes these threats. A detailed report should be submitted to the court. Also take note that this is a serious and urgent matter,” reads the letter.

The investigations report is expected to be presented before the Harare Magistrates Court by July 7, 2021.

Van Blerk in his personal capacity is facing charges of malicious damage to property in which he is alleged to have worked in connivance with City of Harare employees to destroy a show house constructed by land developer George Katsimberis in Borrowdale.

Katsimberis had entered into a botched land deal with controversial fugitive from justice Kenneth Raydon Sharpe who owns Pokugara Properties.

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